Smartia FC80

Alumil Albania

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Multiform fencing system


SMARTIA FC80 is an advanced and multiform fencing system with a wide range of aluminum louvers and other decorative elements (composite wood, aluminium sheet, glass panel, inox), placed inlaid, between the mullions.

At the same time, it offers a vast variety of technical solutions and applications with high levels of innovation, being undoubtedly a valuable tool for architects and consumers, which can meet all the technical and aesthetic needs of a project.



  • Top robustness for large scale constructions (3.0m sash width)
  • Possibility of closed surfaces without wind pressure problems (2.0m fence height)
  • Unlimited decorative solutions, and high levels of customization as well
  • High levels of innovation and use of pioneering materials (Woodalux®, special frames, lighting, etc.)
  • Replacement of concrete posts with aluminium profiles