Marion Mahony Griffin was a woman ahead of her time. Over five decades she promoted progressive ideas that are as relevant today, 150 years after her birth, as in her own time.
Marion Mahony Griffin (February 14, 1871 – August 10, 1961) was an American architect and artist. She was one of the first licensed female architects in the world, and is considered an original member of the Prairie School. Her work in the United States developed and expanded the American Prairie School. Her work in India and Australia reflected Prairie School ideals of indigenous landscape and materials in the newly formed democracies. The scholar Deborah Wood has stated that Griffin "did the drawings people think of when they think of Frank Lloyd Wright (one of her collaborating architects)." She produced some of the finest architectural drawing in America and Australia and was instrumental in envisioning the design plans for the capital city of Australia, Canberra.
Mahony was born in 1871 in Chicago, Illinois, to Jeremiah Mahony, a journalist, poet, and teacher from Cork, Ireland, and Clara Hamilton, a schoolteacher.
Her family moved to nearby Winnetka in 1880 after the Great Chicago Fire. In her memoir, Mahoney vividly describes her mother carrying her as an infant in a clothes basket, as they escape from the fire. Growing up in Winnetka, she became fascinated by the quickly disappearing landscape as suburban homes filled the area. She was influenced by her first cousin, architect Dwight Perkins, and decided to further her education. She graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.) in 1894. She was the second woman to do so, after Sophia Hayden, the designer of the Woman's building at the 1893 Chicago World's Columbian Exposition. Though highly talented, she sometimes struggled with her place in both society and the field. She was unsure of her ability to complete the thesis required for her bachelor's degree, but her professor, Constant-Désiré Despradelle, pushed her forward.
After graduation, Mahony returned to Chicago, where she became the first woman to be licensed to practice architecture in Illinois. She worked in her cousin's architecture firm, which was located in Steinway Hall at 64 E. Van Buren in downtown Chicago. The space was shared with many other architects, including Robert C. Spencer, Myron Hunt, Webster Tomlinson, Irving Pond and Allen Bartlitt Pond, Adamo Boari, Birch Long and Frank Lloyd Wright. In 1895, Mahony, the first employee hired by Frank Lloyd Wright, went to work designing buildings, furniture, stained glass windows and decorative panels. Her beautiful watercolor renderings of buildings and landscapes became known as a staple of Wright's style, though she was never given credit by the famous architect. Over a century later she would be known as one of the greatest delineators of the architecture field, but during her life her talent was seen as only an extension of the work done by male architects. She was associated with Wright's studio for almost fifteen years and was an important contributor to his reputation, particularly for the influential Wasmuth Portfolio, for which Mahony created more than half of the numerous renderings. Architectural writer Reyner Banham called her the
"greatest architectural delineator of her generation."
Her rendering of the K. C. DeRhodes House in South Bend, Indiana, was praised by Wright upon its completion and by many critics.
Wright understated the contributions of others of the Prairie School, Mahony included. A clear understanding of Marion Mahony's contribution to the architecture of the Oak Park Studio comes from Wright's son, John Lloyd Wright, who says that William Drummond, Francis Barry Byrne, Walter Burley Griffin, Albert Chase McArthur, Marion Mahony, Isabel Roberts and George Willis were the draftsmen—the five men and two women who each made valuable contributions to Prairie style architecture for which Wright became famous. During this time Mahony designed the Gerald Mahony Residence (1907) in Elkhart, Indiana for her brother and sister-in-law.
When Wright eloped to Europe with Mamah Borthwick Cheney in 1909, he offered the Studio's work to Mahony but she declined. After Wright had gone, Hermann V. von Holst, who had taken on Wright's commissions, hired Mahony with the stipulation that she would have control of design. In this capacity, Mahony was the architect for a number of commissions Wright had abandoned. Two examples were the first (unbuilt) design for Henry Ford's Dearborn mansion, Fair Lane and the Amberg House in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Mahony recommended Walter Burley Griffin to von Holst to develop landscaping for the area surrounding the three houses commissioned from Wright in Decatur, Illinois. Griffin was a fellow architect, a fellow ex-employee of Wright, and a leading member of the Prairie School of architecture. Mahony and Griffin worked on the Decatur project before their marriage; afterwards, Mahony worked in Griffin's practice. A Walter Burley Griffin/Marion Mahony designed development that is home to an outstanding collection of Prairie School dwellings, Rock Crest – Rock Glen in Mason City, Iowa, is seen as their most dramatic American design development of the decade. It is the largest collection of Prairie Style homes surrounding a natural setting.
Mahony and Griffin married in 1911, a partnership that lasted 26 years. Mahony's watercolor perspectives of Griffins's design for Canberra, the new Australian capital, were instrumental in securing first prize in the international competition for the plan of the city. In 1914 the couple moved to Australia to oversee the building of Canberra. Mahony managed the Sydney office and was responsible for the design of their private commissions. In Australia, Mahony and Griffin were introduced to Anthroposophy and the ideas of Rudolf Steiner which they embraced enthusiastically, and in Sydney they joined the Anthroposophy Society. In Australia, they pioneered the Knitlock construction method, inexactly emulated by Wright in his California textile block houses of the 1920s.
Walter was invited to design a library for the University of Lucknow in India, and travelled there in September 1935, and soon gained numerous other commissions. Marion arrived in April 1936, and soon took charge of the office, where she oversaw the design of many buildings. Less that a year later, in Feb 1937. Walter died of peritonitis following a cholecystectomy. Mahony then would up the office, leaving many projects unbuilt, and returned to Australia. Mahony and Griffin spread the Prairie Style to two continents, far from its origins. She credited Louis Sullivan as the impetus for the Prairie School philosophy. She thought Wright's habit of taking credit for the movement explained its early death, in the United States.
Marion Mahony Griffin did not stay long in Australia after Walter's death. By then in her late 60s, she returned to the United States and afterward was largely retired from her architectural career.
"The one time she addressed the Illinois Society of Architects, she made no mention of her work, instead lectured the crowd on anthroposophy, a philosophy of spiritual knowledge developed by Rudolf Steiner."
She did however spend the next twenty years working on a massive volume of 1400 pages and 650 illustrations detailing her and Walter's working lives, which she titled "The Magic of America", which has yet to be formally published in book form. A manuscript deposited at the Art Institute of Chicago in c1949 was digitized, and is since 2007 has been available on-line. In 2006 the National Library of Australia acquired a large collection of the Griffins' work including drawings, photographs, silk paintings and ephemera from the descendants of the Griffins’ Australian partner Eric Milton Nicholls.
Marion Mahony Griffin died in 1961 aged 90, and is buried in Graceland Cemetery.
In 2015, the beach at Jarvis Avenue in Rogers Park, Chicago was named in Mahony Griffin's honour. When she returned to the United States in 1939, after her husband's death, she lived near the beach. The Australian Consul-General, Roger Price, attended the beach's dedication for the woman who was instrumental in the design the Australian capital.
Among the few works attributed to Mahony that survive in the United States is a small mural in George B. Armstrong elementary school in Chicago attributed to Mahony, and several homes in Decatur.
The Australian Institute of Architects, NSW Chapter, honoured her work with an annual award, the Marion Mahony Griffin Prize, for a distinctive body of work by a female architect for architectural education, journalism, research, theory, professional practice or built architectural work.
1998-99: The Museum of Applied Arts & Sciences in Sydney held an exhibition entitled "Beyond Architecture: Marion Mahony and Walter Burley Griffin".
2013: An exhibition to celebrate the centenary of Canberra, held in the National Library of Australia and called "The Dream of a Century: the Griffins in Australia’s Capital", exhibited her drawings for the entire year.
2015: An exhibition of some of her work was held at the Block Museum of Northwestern University, Illinois, USA.
2016-17: An exhibition was held at the Elmhurst History Museum, Illinois, USA.
2020-2021: An exhibition at the Museum of Sydney entitled "Paradise on Earth".
-David Amberg Residence
The David M. and Hattie Amberg House was initially designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, and completed by Marion Mahony and Herman von Holst. Traveling in Europe, and otherwise preoccupied, Wright turned the project (along with all other commissions) over to von Holst and Mahony in 1909, and construction was completed in 1910.
-Edward P. Irving Residence
The house is exceedingly open in plan. Its furniture played an important role in articulating distinct rooms and domestic functions in spaces with very few architectural divisions. A multi-purpose writing desk, daybed, and lamp, now housed in the collection of the Milwaukee Art Museum, for instance, was used as both a functional object and partition in the house’s massive living room. It is composed of interlocking geometric forms that mimic those found on the house’s exterior. The interrelation of the interior and exterior schemes, and structural and ornamental programs, demonstrates the cohesive design lexicon within which this group of designers worked.
-Koehne House (demolished 1974), Florida
Villa Zila displayed a remarkable similarity to one of Wright’s last Oak Park houses, the starkly geometric Balch House, designed in 1911. However much some believed Villa Zila might be Wright’s work, there were incompatible elements, such as the observation tower, as well as inconsistent circumstances that made it improbable.
-All Souls Church (demolished), Evanston, Illinois
All Souls Unitarian Church is one of the few projects that can be attributed solely to Marion Mahony Griffin, an architect who spent her career working with Frank Lloyd Wright and her husband, Walter Burley Griffin. The congregation of this church, located in the Chicago suburb of Evanston, embraced poetry and theater as part of spiritual life. Mahony Griffin reflected these characteristics in an intimate and atmospheric design that featured an abundance of stained glass in its skylights, windows, and light fixtures. Although small in scale, the church prefigured her later work with community theaters, specifically in the bold, prismatic forms that would come to define the Griffins’ practice.
-Fern Room, Cafe Australia
The Cafe Australia really was quite extraordinary, equal to Walter & Marion Griffin’s other great interior, the Capitol Theatre. Created in 1916, it was a complete rebuild of the Vienna Cafe, closed as too German in World War I, so Greek Australian owner Antony Lucas revamped it with a national name and features, like murals of gumtrees, and sculpted tea trees and fig trees (and three Greek muses by Margaret Baskerville) amongst the characteristic Griffin geometric patterns and lots of gold tiles. There were three rooms, culminating in the great skylight vaulted main dining room.