I graduated on July 2008 at the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Polytechnic University of Tirana. In 2009 I joined the academic staff of the same faculty where I completed my studies. Since September 2020 I am the Deputy Dean at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, Polytechnic University of Tirana.
I am currently a candidate for the degree of "Doctor of Science in Architecture" on the topic "Improving thermal comfort in the built environment by focusing on coastal promenades with a Mediterranean climate." At the same time, my 14 years of professional experience in the field of architecture is present in both the local and international market with a wide range of projects in the field of architectural design, interior design, urban design and planning, and landscape design.
Since January 2017, together with my close friend Antonela Saliaj, we founded the studio "ASArchitects Sh.p.k", although our cooperation had started in 2013. Antonela gave me the opportunity to develop professionally in the international market. From 2010-2012 I was a member of the American Institute of Architects (AIA), Monterey Bay, California.
In 2016, I joined the Association of Albanian Architects as a member of the Board of Directors, in the position of General Secretary and since July 2021 I continue to be a member of this board. In 2019 and until now I am a member of SHARE Architects Forum and Balkan Architecture Forum.
Fragment, Lasgush Poradeci school
In high school I was very attracted to the construction process, high-rise buildings and engineering works like bridges. I was in a dilemma between civil engineering and architecture, and I ran for these two programs. The decision came during a TV show about the Burj Al Arab hotel in Dubai, which was in the shape of Sail of the ship and was being built at sea at the time. And so from the two winning programs I chosed Architecture. My professor Gavril Priftuli, who prepared me for this profession, said "Architecture is art, science and technique". It really involves a lot of discipline.
Sunny Hill kindergarden
I think of architecture as a profession that gives you endless pleasure. You have the opportunity to see and touch, to experience the concepts that develop in the mind. Every project in architecture is an equation with many unknowns that you have to solve all together. My project that represents me the most, I would say without question is the thesis project (Aquarium and Museum on sea) because it is completely unaffected by the builder, the investor, there are no development restrictions.
But today I would like to describe two projects that together with my close friend and best partner Antonela Saliaj as part of the ASArchitects studio we worked with great passion on the project of Lasgush Poradeci School and Sunny Hill Kindergarten, which were built in Tirana in 2021 .
The best advice for myself and for everyone else is:
Search, read as any idea in architecture is possible to be materialised.
While to the younger generation who wants to become an architect I would say, that passion and patience are the closest friends on this journey with such a beautiful fatigue.